Arsip Bulanan: Juni 2012


Glocal Media

Saya baru saja menuntaskan satu karya tulis yang selama enam bulan terakhir saya ubah, dari sebuah buku teks menjadi buku berhipotesis tentang kebijakan publik dan media. Saya melakukan studi banding atas sektor M&E (media and entertainment) di China dan di Indonesia, dan khususnya tentang isi media atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah “content”. Saya tak harus pergi ke China untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi, karena saya hanya duduk membaca seluruh sumber (pdf atau lalu menulis dan membaca lagi. Saya juga hanya berkirim email ke Prof. Anthonyy YH Fung dari School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK, Hong Kong dan Dr Umair Haque dari Havas Media Lab, Amerika Serikat.

Ini buku kedua tentang media, dan buku ketiga kalau dihitung dari buku dwibahasa cerita anak yang saya tulis semasa kuliah dulu.

Silakan klik sini untuk membaca lebih lanjut, dan klik sini untuk lampiran pdf atau video.



This Month’s Must-Read Book: How to Fix Copyright

Yeah right, Indonesia follows China in case of piracy rate ranked by USPTO and WTO. USPTO is a US agency for patents and trademarks, and WTO coined TRIPS, the trade-related intellectual property rights thingy. Just in case you guys want to broaden your views on how and what is copyrights yesteryears versus today and tomorrow… click here for a copy of the book, and here for the video interview. It is written by a Google lawyer on copyrights and  once a copyright counsel to the US House of Representatives and policy planning advisor to the US Register of Copyrights.

Copyright has been an intense debade topic for the last decades. It became rigid when analog technology got swiped by digital of everything. What to do when billions of us become criminals by international laws (coined by USA and those productive big-buck studios)?

“Law is not the solution to business problems.”
Sounds far-fetched in Indonesia, where everything procedural does not breaking any laws. See the existing dogma of procedural corruptors got no punishment of whatsoever. This is very challenging situation for the not-too-insane commons?

Note: I didn’t upload this e-book, but this is a reliable link. Good luck!

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Ditulis oleh pada Juni 6, 2012 inci public policy


Creative Journalism

This is not about how to report outrageous actor or dying painter, but more to see news on many angles. A creative journalist must see news together with other news, see its thread or connection. The idea of a creative writing piece in any creative writing class is to find more than one scenario of a story. Do that… and a creative journalist shall gain more readers, more audience. Ethics rules, but creativity shall conquer. Here‘s my inspiration for tonite’s writing.

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Ditulis oleh pada Juni 2, 2012 inci public policy